Volunteer remotely and help us make a movie

videographer, cameraman, videocamera, filmmaking, volunteering, european solidarity corps
Schizophrenic waves – a volunteer online opportunity

Volunteer remotely and help us make a movieโ€“ We wrote unique movie scripts called SCHIZOPHRENIC WAVES, and we are looking for volunteers to join our team and to work when you have free time and help us spread our fundraising campaign link to get funded… And depends on how much you help us raise the money you will get commissions from the movie profits… The work will be from your home online so we will communicate via online video calls.

What are you looking for help with?
What’s the mission of your community?

To send a message to the world about people who got a mental illness and how they are strong to achieve their dreams

How many volunteers could you host?

We can work with many volunteers

When would you need volunteers?

as soon as possible

How many hours of help per day?

This will be work from one hour per day or above… It will be remote work, to share our fundraising campaign and invite others to join our team for help… And depends how much the person help us raise the money they will get some percentage of movie profits.

How many days of help per week?

4 days of help per week – 3 days off

Note about the volunteer work and other expectations

We can increase the hours and days of work if you want that.

Are accommodation and food included?

No, we don’t provide food and accommodation

What type of accommodation can you provide?

Others (please, specify in general info)

Volunteers’ benefits:

Help us to make the movie and spread the message of the movie to the world, that’s will be a great achievement as a. team


English and Arabic


WhatsApp: 004407379100053
Mobile Number: 004407554954508

Email: AymenAlfadil.AF@gmail.com

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/aymen-alfadil-5b5bbb1a1/

Hostname: Aymen

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Author: Voluntouring staff

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