Tag: Community
Volunteer in different communities around the world
Community volunteer projects โ A community is a group of individuals who share the same environment – be it physical and/or technological – forming a recognisable group, united by organisational, linguistic, religious, economic ties and common interests.
On this page, you can find volunteering programs, exchanges and projects abroad that will give you the opportunity to be part of a community.
Depending on your interests, you might prefer the environment of an Eco-village. Please see the Eco-villages volunteer opportunities section. We also have a section for Intentional communities. Please see Intentional Community volunteer projects.ย
An Eco-village is a community of people that live together and share ecological values; they usually live in remote areas closer to nature. An intentional community is a group of people living together by choice. You can find “intentional communities” also in urban environments or travelling the world as nomads. Sometimes Eco-village and Intentional Communities are used as synonyms.
How to use this page
ย Below is a list of volunteer projects. Read the description carefully and make sure the programs are still valid by checking the date of publication. There is a “contact details” section at the end of each announcement. Use the email and phone numbers of the host to get in touch with them and ask if the volunteer opportunity they offer is still available.
See also: Social Cafe communities – section
Community volunteer projects
This page can only show 12-15 articles. Click on ‘older posts’ to see more. Are you a host and you need volunteers? Would you like your community volunteer project to appear in this section? Feel free to add your listing.