ESC opportunity in Spain – help with workshop and environmental awareness

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ESC in Spain – Would you like to work giving a new life to plastic waste? Learn how to build machines to do it with Plàstic Preciós La Safor, create your own objects with plastic waste and deliver awareness workshops! We are looking for people (18 – 30, ANY NATIONALITY, residents in any EU country INCLUDING SPAIN!)


October 2020 – October 2021; Location: Gandia (Valencia)

We offer transport, accommodation, bills, food, health insurance and pocket money.

It’s a European Solidarity Corps project.

Summary of the project

Far from improving, the environmental situation nowadays is becoming worse day by day reaching a point of “no return” that would be terrible for our Nature and Planet. We believe that our best way to try changing this is taking action and raising awareness amongst the population, especially youth who will suffer the most the consequences of our current actions. That is the reason why this project focuses on action-awareness and environmental activism and aims to show that the garbage we produce in our daily life can not only be reduced but can also be reused, thus generating new economy and possible business especially for people with fewer opportunities and /or social problems.

We also want to empower youth in developing their ideas and transforming them into real projects.


There will be a very wide range of possible activities available for the volunteers. However, each volunteer will have to choose and be responsible for one of the 3 main topics:

  • 1| Environmental issues (precious plastic),
  • 2| Workshops for unprivileged children and awareness campaigns for youth,
  • 3| Non-formal projects management.

They will all collaborate in the different projects, but the responsible person will be in charge of organising the work, promote it and do weekly follow up of the results/outcomes. These are some necessary tasks but flexibility will be always present in the schedule.

Some of the projects where volunteers will get involved in Xeración València are:
  1. Environmental issues
  2. Awareness campaigns & workshops

Some information about the hosting organization

XERACION VALENCIA is a non-profit youth cultural association created in Gandia (Valencia, Spain) in February 2014 by an enthusiastic group of youth who decided to quit their regular jobs in order to follow their dreams enjoying and loving their lives every on a daily basis. Our objectives are:

  • a) To encourage and facilitate the international mobility of youth and youth workers (especially for groups with fewer opportunities).
  • b) To expand social cooperation projects and volunteering (local and international). ESC volunteers in Xeracion Valencia during 2019
  • c) To empower youth in order for them to have their own critical thinking and analysis, active citizenship and participatory democracy.
  • d) To enhance values of tolerance, human dignity, interculturalism, solidarity and cooperation, social justice and integration.
  • e) To promote healthy lifestyles and the protection of the environment through sustainable development.

In order to achieve these objectives, Xeración Valencia develops and implements projects for local and international volunteers and youth workers. It encourages volunteering amongst the population of the region of Valencia, especially amongst youth. It organises meetings between associations for the exchange of good practices in order to improve the quality of the projects.

Volunteers Requirements

We are looking for a last highly motivated volunteer with:

  • a very positive attitude, proactivity, initiative and adaptable/flexible to changes.
  • some experience (working or volunteering) and/or high interest in the topics of the project.
  • basic knowledge of Spanish language

Awesome pluses would be:
  • Having a B2 level of Spanish or more!
  • Being able to work with electrical machines/tools or to repair engines and other similar machines
  • being able to use design programs and/or create and maintain a website


The project will be developed in Gandia and the region of “La Safor”, a city of a population over 80,000 people in the Mediterranean east coast of Spain between the cities of Valencia and Alicante. La Safor is an attractive region, divided between the coast and mountainous interior. The natural habitat of the high mountains of Mustalla, Safor, Agulles and Grossa is rich with vegetation, while the coastal border is made up of plains of wide grooves, long beaches and also a dense urban area. The climate of Gandia is Mediterranean-subtropical with very mild temperatures during winters (10- 20°C) and very hot summers (25-35°C). The annual average temperature is between 19-20 °C. For the small quantity of rain that Gandia receives each year, the climate can be considered as semi-arid.


More info about the Global project can be found in the official website:
And this 3 minutes video helps to understand the project better:

If you want to be our next ESC volunteer please download the INFO PACK

Any questions or doubts write to
APPLICATIONS are now OPEN until mid-September.

Author: Voluntouring staff

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