Join a little bit of Paradise in rural Ireland

Farm exchange in Ireland, wwoofing, helpx, workaway, Cork, countryside, volunteering, volunteer, voluntouring, voluntourism

A farm exchange in Ireland โ€“ Hello, I am an ex American, British now but have lived on an island in Greece and twenty years developing a small Quinta in Portugal. I have now found my forever home in a small cottage with an acre of land overlooking the Bay of Kenmare, with mountains all around. I need an energetic knowledgeable in gardening person, who would like to help out with not so difficult jobs around the property and cottage. Also, I only speak English with a tiny bit of Portuguese. I am an artist and if the volunteer would like to learn a few crafts I am open to teaching in spare time.

What type of host are you?


What are you looking for help with?
What’s the mission of your community?

I am living on my own but have near neighbours. I am looking to improve the grounds around the cottage, create gardens, plant trees, keep up the raised beds to grow as much food as I can in the space it has. My โ€œmission โ€œ in life is to create a bee and bird-friendly space, grow trees that I probably wonโ€™t see grow to maturity, but that doesnโ€™t matter as long as I can plant them.

How many volunteers could you host?
  • Only one volunteer
When would you need volunteers?

Right away and for a few months

How many hours of help per day?

4-5 hours of help per day

How many days of help per week?

5 days per week – 2 days off

Note about this farm exchange in Ireland

Ideally, I would like a non-smoker. I donโ€™t eat meat of any kind but do eat fish and lots of vegetables and fruit. I would prefer someone who doesnโ€™t eat meat. If you donโ€™t mind getting your hands dirty in the garden thatโ€™s a plus, but I need a strong person who knows his way around a garden and can do odd jobs or even building projects.

Are accommodation and food included?

Yes, we offer food and accommodation

What type of accommodation can you provide?
  • Private Room
Diet – nutrition information

I would prefer a vegetarian or pescatarian. If you have a special diet then I feel you would have to provide your own food for that. I am not a vegan but am open-minded about a volunteer being one.

Fees transparency

I donโ€™t charge for the food I provide unless it is a special diet like vegan and then the volunteer could buy his own food.

VISA – could you provide Visa support/info/invitation letters?

Maybe. We can help with an invitation letter if the candidate has good qualifications.

Volunteers’ benefits:

I have a car and can take the volunteer to the nearest village to get busses to larger towns, or can drive to larger towns so they can enjoy the countryside around or get the bus to larger cities. If requested, I can also teach stained glass, painting with acrylics and mosaics. I can give a bit of pocket money if needed.

What to do in the free time

This is s fantastic area for walkers and climbers. If into photography or painting, itโ€™s ideal. There are other activities in the village that I could find out about, such as kayaking .




My cottage is a bit remote, with one close neighbour. There are farms all around this area, mostly she and a few cattle. The weather this Spring has been magnificent, weeks of pure sunshine which is unusual I think, for Ireland. There are days of cloud and rain but thatโ€™s what makes it so fertile and green. There are mountains all around, we are in the Millacuddy Reeks , famous for their walks and climbing. I have never met such friendly helpful people and have been welcomed into the community with open arms. There is a Resource Center in the village where they teach yoga, keep fit classes and other types of classes. Itโ€™s a very sporty village and a few famous sportsmen have statues to them here and further up the coast. We also enjoy an area called The Dark Sky, where there is no light pollution and itโ€™s just down the road from my place.

How to get to your site

There are a few international airports, the closest is Cork. There are busses from Cork to Kenmare and trains. I would come into the village to pick up the volunteer by car. There are busses but not regularly during the day. Itโ€™s about five miles to the village of Sneem. I have picked up hitchhikers going to local places and people are friendly and would help out.

Is there internet access?


Hostname: Susan Searle
Host Email:

See more volunteering opportunities in Ireland

Author: Voluntouring staff

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2 thoughts on “Join a little bit of Paradise in rural Ireland

  1. Hi Susan, I see a post that you need a helper on your farm, just when I am listening to Abraham Hicks. I’m taking this as a sign and dropping this message.

    I’m leaving my website info. But primarily my main purpose of being on Voluntouring is to be amidst nature and grow and explore new cultures. Sharing the many gifts and skills I have in the process is the joy of my being.

    With Metta,

    1. Dear Meghna, the host, Susan, might not be able to read or check the comment section. Feel free to contact her by using her e-mail, which you can find at the end of her announcement (in the “contact details section”. Thanks for your attention. We wish you a nice travel and volunteering experience.

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